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The Slice is Right

Fundraising for:
2022 Club Heroes Golf Marathon
Team Captain:
Chris Abshier

From The Slice is Right

Chris Abshier and Dan Abshier are golfing for the kids! Allie Abshier is joining them in the fundraising effort, too! Maybe she'll even be driving them around in the golf cart :-)

Boys & Girls Clubs of Bloomington

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Daniel Davis commented with a $50 donation:
almost 2 years ago
Sara Price-Presslaff commented with a $50 donation:
almost 2 years ago
Let’s go Slice is right!
James Castek commented with a $54 donation:
almost 2 years ago
Good luck, Chris! Go Braves!
Allison Abshier commented with a $25 donation:
about 2 years ago
Let’s go Slice is Right!!